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I’m getting a Bernina!

1 May

I have a vision.

I am 26, soon to be 27.

I have 2 children, 1 chihuahua, and 1 husband {which is way more than I can handle}.

I have a Simplicity Frontier Serger that I use almost as much as my sewing machine. Right now I sew with this. {It gets the job done, while violently shaking the table, but hey it’s better than nothing!}

I am getting a Bernina! It is my mother’s machine, who quilts {more on her next post}, and she is giving it to me as a birthday/Christmas/mother’s day gift for the next 20 years. Turns out, she won’t have time to quilt anytime soon with her new addition of chickens and goats, and a billion grandchildren {or 5}. I don’t think I can accurately describe how excited I am, but I’ll try. Continue reading